Cissy Helps

To build hope, make a fresh start and become whole again.

Cissy Pulikunnel

B.Sc., H.B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., Psychotherapist

Registered Social Worker, Counsellor, Couple and Family Therapist, Certified Clinical Traumatologist, Certified Compassion Specialist, Mediator

Cissy is known as an astute, compassionate and gifted psychotherapist who brings hope to those in despair and darkness. Her ability to establish a therapeutic alliance is not only rooted in her understanding of psychosocial stress and how it manifests itself in the form of debilitating anxiety, depression and other behavioral and mental disorders, but in her faith in the infinite possibilities of the human spirit. She has the utmost respect and reverence for every individual who seeks her help.

Cissy’s retirement date is 29th February 2024.

Cissy Helps

We believe things can always get better. Need to talk? 613 . 967 . 9944

Meet Your Wellness Expert

As a professional mental health consultant and therapist since 1981, Cissy has extensive experience in providing services to all age groups; individuals, couples, families, children and adolescents. She also provides on-line therapy and this means she is accessible from anywhere in the world by appointment.

Cissy’s focus is on prevention and wellness, and she enjoys assisting individuals maximize their potential for a healthy and productive lifestyle. She has conducted several workshops on family therapy, depression, anxiety and ADHD in children. Cissy offers clinical consultation to mental health agencies and Family mediation services to help resolve disputes over custody, access and parenting.

Cissy is highly dedicated to excellence in clinical practice, psychotherapy and the promotion of health. Her clients include Veterans, First Nations People, Religious Clerics and Ministers, Celebrities, Entrepreneurs, Executives and/or anyone, requiring assistance to find balance in their lives. Cissy treats a wide range of mental health and relationship issues including anxiety, depression, identity confusion, personality and eating disorders, childhood and other trauma, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, intimacy, parenting, adolescent issues, addictions, time and stress management.

Cissy is bilingual and provides counselling services both in English and Malayalam. She is a member of the Toronto Malayalee Samajam/Association.

Meet the expert.

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